155th Homecoming and Anniversary

2431 Warren Avenue     Dallas, TX.  75215

155th  Homecoming and Anniversary
Sunday, March 2, 2025     2:30 PM

"Celebrating Decades Together in His Name"  Theme

"For where two or three gather in my name,
there am I with them."  Matthew 18: 20 NIV

The worship will be a Musical of the WACC Choir
and the WACC 1970's Angelic Choir.

You are invited to attend.

Sunday Information

Warren Avenue Christian Church Disciples of Christ    
2431 Warren Avenue     Dallas, Texas 75215
                      Sunday worship in-person
9am Sunday School                       1
0:30am Worship

Sunday worship on Zoom     Log-in:   wacczoom@gmail.com   Password:   2020Docc
Call-In: 1-346-248-7799     Meeting ID: 892 4249 2605     Passcode: 243260

SEE CALENDAR at the bottom for more information.

Invitation to our weekly service..

You are invited
to our weekly
Sunday service.

Video 'The Perfect Church'

WACC Church

Warren Avenue Christian Church
2431Warren Avenue
Dallas, TX. 75215

Video 'HOPE'


Welcome to 
Warren Avenue
Christian Church!

African American Museum DC

African American Museum
Washington D. C.

Go Serve Tell

Go  Serve  Tell

Scripture - Matthew 28: 16-20
16  Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them
to go.  17  When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.  18  Then Jesus
came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to
me.  19  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  20  and teaching them to obey everything I
have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Commentary     Richard Beaton on Matthew 28: 16-20
Four elements emerge that draw our attention. There are four “alls” in this text.
Jesus has all authority given to him, we are to make disciples of all nations,
we are to teach that we should obey all that he commanded during his earthly life,
and the promise that closes is that he will be with us always.


Black History Month

                   Image result for Black History Month 2025. Size: 184 x 185. Source: www.freepik.com                                                           
Black History Month in 2025 is celebrated every February in the U.S. and Canada, and in October in the U.K. It is an important time for remembering significant people, events, and achievements of the African diaspora. The 2025 theme is "African Americans and Labor," highlighting their invaluable contributions to the workforce. 


"Major" Taylor

 Marshall Walter "Major" Taylor (November 26, 1878 – June 21, 1932) was an American   professional cyclist. Even by modern cycling standards, Taylor could be considered the greatest     American sprinter of all time. Taylor won the 1-mile sprint event at the 1899 world track   championships to become the first African American to achieve the level of cycling world   champion and the second Black athlete to win a world championship in any sport   (following Canadian boxer George Dixon, 1890[1]). 

                                                                Image result for major taylor

Ella Jenkins

                                                                                                                                         All images
Ella Louise Jenkins (August 6, 1924 – November 9, 2024) was an American singer-songwriter and centenarian. Called the "First lady of children's music", she was a leading performer of folk and children's music.[1] Her 1995 album Multicultural Children's Songs has long been the most popular Smithsonian Folkways release. She appeared on numerous children's television programs and in 2004, she received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.[2][3] According to culture writer Mark Guarino, "across her 67-year career, Jenkins firmly established the genre of children's music as a serious endeavor — not just for artists to pursue but also for the recording industry to embrace and promote."[4]


Mar 26

Wednesday Bible Study

7:00 pm

Zoom on-line study. ID  871 1799 6194 Passcode 960002 Call-in ...
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Mar 30

Sunday School & Worship

9:00 am

Join us in study and worship.
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Apr 2

Wednesday Bible Study

7:00 pm

Zoom on-line study. ID  871 1799 6194 Passcode 960002 Call-in ...
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Apr 6

Sunday School & Worship

9:00 am

Join us in study and worship.
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Apr 9

Wednesday Bible Study

7:00 pm

Zoom on-line study. ID  871 1799 6194 Passcode 960002 Call-in ...
Read More

Warrern Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

2431 Warren Avenue
Dallas, TX.   75215
t. 214-421-4895
Isaiah 41: 10
"So do not fear,
for I am with you:
do not be dismayed,
for I am your God.
I will strength you
and help you:

I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand."




Our mission is to intentionally
Go into the world,
Serve our community, and
Tell the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Go     Serve     Tell



Our vision is to be a spiritually
vibrant, thriving congregation,
engaged in relevant mission
and ministry in our community.
Luke 4:18-19